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Brian Backus

Brian Backus photo Brian Backus
  • Black Belt

Coach B is the owner and co-founder of Elite Combative Systems (ECS). He is a BJJ Black Belt who loves mixed martial arts. His first taste was when his uncle would teach boxing skills in the garage with his cousin as young men. After enlisting in the United States Marine Corps (USMC), Coach Brian learned varying arts from other Marines driving him to further his combat training education by taking the steps to become a Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Instructor (MCMAP). The training, love and technique grew after a five year enlistment. Prior to ECS, Coach B. trained all over the state and at times even out of the country with some great mentors, coaches and students of the game. He currently instructs/trains adult & youth BJJ, No-Gi Grappling, Mixed Martial Arts and kickboxing at ECS. His continuing education stems from Professor Isaac Greely and Professor Matt Shaffer from the Mat Factory Wrestling Club in Lower Burrell, PA. His black belt was awarded to him by Professor Isaac Greely and Tom Costa, with the help of Professor Noah DeVore, Matt Shaffer, Evan Mulgrave and Tom Grove.